My Baby... We have been together for 9 years |
I sold my car on the weekend. I was originally planning to hold
onto it so that when I come back to Australia I have something I can drive but
in the last 12 months it has cost me quite a bit of money to keep on the road
and every few weeks something new seems to break. I spent Thursday cleaning out
my stuff and giving it a really good clean. It looks like new.... Almost...
- There was a very bad leak in the clutch system hydraulics As soon
as you ride the clutch for any length of time (i.e. Pressurising the system) it
drops all the oil on the road. Gear changes have to be fast and a bottle of
clutch fluid is required to top the system up on a regular basis.
- The
gas lift struts for the bonnet are buggered
- The shock absorbers need to be replaced
- The
fuel cap is snapped off (this happened about 3 years ago and I never bothered
to fix it)
- The drivers side seat is broken. When you sit in it your bum sunk all the way
to the floor and the angle adjustment knob for back support has broken off.
- The window tinting had started to bubble and warp in some places
- The indicators sometimes don’t work. Instead of blinking on and off they turn
on and stay on.
- The roof lining is falling down
- The drivers side window winder knob falls off when you use it
- The aerial is snapped off
- The air-conditioning is broken
- One of the back tyres was scrubbing badly on the inside and was not road legal.
- The fuel gauge shows full even when the tank is almost empty
- The remote central locking buttons on my key are totally worn out. There is no rubber left. You have to push down on the tact switch inside the key to use it.
- There is a leak round the windscreen somewhere. Whenever it rains heavily water seeps in and the car has a unpleasant wet smell.
I was really worried about how much the clutch problem would devalue the car. Luckily the car salesman walked just around the car to do a visual
inspection and then turn the engine on to see how well it started and have a
listen to it. He asked me about the air-conditioning and I was upfront and said
it didn't work, but I kept my mouth shut about everything else. I followed him
around and looked over his shoulder at what he was writing down. Pretty much
the only thing he spotted wrong was the broken fuel cap.
Below are some pictures of my baby (and the things that were
wrong). I have had this car for 9 years.
Clutch fluid lead. I am very happy this failed in my driveway one day and not up the coast a long way from home. |
Broken fuel cap. It is one of those things that I was planning to fix for about 3 years. |
You can see how bad the tyre is scrubbing on the right hand side. The groove should go all the way to the edge of the tyre. |
My roof lining is falling down. the best thing about my seat breaking is that I sat lower and the roof lining no longer hit my head. |
The drivers side window winding knob falls off as soon as you try to use it. Maybe if I got the air-conditioning fixed I wouldn't have worn it out :)
Broken aerial. I snapped it off on a tree while reversing out of a driveway. |