Monday, December 8, 2014

Burnt but delicious

Teacher/Student interaction in Korea is a little different to in Australia. In Australia, a teacher would think it highly unusual and suspicious to receive a gift of food from a student. In Korea however, it happens quite regularly. Normally it will be something store bought like a cookie, candy, rice cake, or... if I'm lucky... a hamburger, but from time to time students will cook something in their classroom and share their creations with teachers. 
Student: "Teacher, I cooked these for you".
Me: "Thank you" - I look at them, see they are burnt, and raise my eyebrows. The student sees my reaction and says...
Student: "Burnt but delicious".
Me: "Okay". - I put them on my desk thinking the student would leave. He didn't. He was waiting for me to try one. I tried the least burnt one. 
Me: "Mmmmmm".
Student: "Very delicious! Goodbye Teacher". and runs off back to his classroom.

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