Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Master Switch

Modern Korean apartments have all sorts of gadgets, one of which is a master switch conveniently located by the front door that can call the elevator, turn off the gas or all the lights before leaving the apartment.

We are crashing at Jihyeon's parents apartment all packed and ready to fly to Australia tomorrow. I just got up to get a drink of water from the kitchen. It was pitch dark in the hallway, so I tried to turn the hallway light on.... it didn't work. I pushed the button again... still not working. I then started repeatedly pressing it only to find out it isn't the hallway light switch. It is the master light switch for the whole unit and I was turning the bedroom lights on and off! Sorry everyone! The apartment must have looked like a Christmas tree from the outside. Just spent the last 5 minutes laughing hysterically with Jihyeon. 


  1. Thanks. I hope you are doing well. Are you in America now?

    Yeah, we are in Australia now. I've picked up some temporary Engineering work, but I'm still looking for something more permanent.

    I've been thinking about starting a new blog called anyong Australia, but I'm not sure I will have time to write as many posts as I have for gdaykorea.

    Thanks for posting. Keep in touch.


  2. Hi. Thank you for the well wishes. I sent you an email.

